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Version: 1.6.0

Querying with mgconsole

The easiest way to execute openCypher queries against Memgraph is by using Memgraph's command-line tool, mgconsole, which is installed together with Memgraph.

If you installed Memgraph using Docker, you will need to run the client using the following command (remember to replace HOST with valid IP of the container - see Docker Note):

docker run -it --entrypoint=mgconsole memgraph --host HOST --use-ssl=False

Otherwise, you can connect to the running Memgraph instance by issuing the following shell command:

mgconsole --use-ssl=False

After the client has started it should present a command prompt similar to:

Type :help for shell usage
Quit the shell by typing Ctrl-D(eof) or :quit
Connected to 'memgraph://'

At this point, it is possible to execute openCypher queries on Memgraph. Each query needs to end with the ; (semicolon) character. For example:

CREATE (u:User {name: "Alice"})-[:Likes]->(m:Software {name: "Memgraph"});

The above will create 2 nodes in the database, one labeled "User" with name "Alice" and the other labeled "Software" with name "Memgraph". It will also create a relationship that "Alice" likes "Memgraph".

To find created nodes and relationships, execute the following query:

MATCH (u:User)-[r]->(x) RETURN u, r, x;