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Version: 1.6.1

Getting started

Online playground (sandbox)​

If you're interested in trying out Memgraph from the comfort of your browser, you can do so on Memgraph Playground or by visiting the Cypher manual.

Step by step guide​

If you enjoy learning concepts in small chunks before applying them in practice, our step by step guide is the best place to start.

Practical tutorial​

Learning by doing is our mantra. In this tutorial, you'll explore a simple TED-talks dataset from scratch. The tips you'll learn in the tutorial will help you build any graph application.

Connect to Memgraph Cloud​

Learn how to connect your application to the Memgraph Cloud. Let us manage the configuration and guarantee it's set up correctly.

Run an example streaming application​

We've built an example streaming application to get you started quickly. Pull the code from our GitHub repository and get started.

Video courses​

Some people enjoy learning by watching audio-visual content. You can find the best materials related to graphs and graphs analytics in our list of recommended content, most of which is free.

Tutorial for your programming language​

Build an application with Memgraph from our list of supported languages and frameworks: