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Version: 1.4.0

Go quick start

At the end of this guide, you will have created a simple Go Hello, World! program that connects to the Memgraph database and executes simple queries.


To follow this guide, you will need:

  • A running Memgraph instance. If you need to set up Memgraph, take a look at the Installation guide.
  • A basic understanding of graph databases and the property graph model.
  • The newest version of Go installed.

Basic Setup​

We'll be using a simple Go application to demonstrate how to connect to a running Memgraph instance.

Let's jump in and create our application.

1. Create a new directory for your app, for example /MyApp and position yourself in it.

2. Create a program.go file and add the following code:

package main

import ""
import "fmt"

func main() {
driver, err := neo4j.NewDriver("bolt://localhost:7687", neo4j.BasicAuth("", "", ""))

if err != nil {
defer driver.Close()

session, err := driver.Session(neo4j.AccessModeWrite)
if err != nil {
defer session.Close()

greeting, err := session.WriteTransaction(func(transaction neo4j.Transaction) (interface{}, error) {
result, err := transaction.Run(
"CREATE (a:Greeting) SET a.message = $message RETURN 'Node ' + id(a) + ': ' + a.message",
map[string]interface{}{"message": "Hello, World!"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err

if result.Next() {
return result.Record().GetByIndex(0), nil

return nil, result.Err()
if err != nil {


3. Add the Bolt driver in the /MyApp directory with the command:

go get

4. Run the app with the following command:

go run .\program.go

You should see an output similar to the following:

Node 1: Hello, World!

Where to next?​

For real-world examples of how to use Memgraph, we suggest you take a look at the Tutorials page.
You can also browse through the Database functionalities section to get an overview of all the functionalities Memgraph offers.

Getting help​

Visit the Getting help page in case you run into any kind of problem or you have additional questions.