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Version: 1.6.0

Transformation modules

Memgraph supports user-defined transformations in C and Python that act on data received from a streaming engine. These transformations are grouped into modules called Transformation modules which can then be loaded on startup or later on. A module consists of a transformation, a query procedure, or both.

This section introduces transformation modules and their similarities with query modules. Currently, we only support transformations for Kafka streams but we are aiming to add support for other streaming engines as well.

Loading modules on startup​

Memgraph attempts to load the modules from all *.so and *.py files it finds in the default (/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules) directory. The *.so modules are written using the C API and the *.py modules are written using the Python API. Each file corresponds to one module. Names of these files will be mapped to module names. For example, will be mapped to the hello module and a script will be mapped to the module.

If you want to change the directory in which Memgraph searches for transformation modules, just change or extend the --query-modules-directory flag in the main configuration file (/etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf) or supply it as a command-line parameter (e.g. when using Docker).

Utility procedures for transformations​

Query procedures that allow the users to gain more insight into other modules and transformations are written under our utility mg query module. For transformations this module offers:

  • mg.transformations() :: (name :: STRING): Lists all transformations procedures.
  • mg.load(module_name :: STRING) :: (): Loads or reloads the given module.
  • mg.load_all() :: (): Loads or reloads all modules.

For example, invoking mg.transformations() from openCypher like so:

CALL mg.transformations() YIELD *;

might yield the following result:

| name |
| ... |
| batch.transform |
| ... |

In this case, we can see that Memgraph has already loaded the user-defined transformation of the module batch.

To load a module (named e.g. hello) that wasn't loaded on startup (perhaps because it was added to Memgraph's query modules directory afterward), we can simply invoke:

CALL mg.load("hello");

If we wish to reload an existing module, say the hello module above, we again use the same procedure:

CALL mg.load("hello");

Lastly, if we wish to reload all existing modules and load any newly added ones, we can use:

CALL mg.load_all();

For API references, you can also check: