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Version: 1.6.0

Transformations Python API

This is the additional API documentation for which contains definitions of the public Transformation Python API provided by Memgraph. At the core, this is a wrapper around the C API. This source file can be found in the Memgraph installation directory, under python_support. On the standard Debian installation, this will be under /usr/lib/memgraph/python_support.


NOTE: This part of the documentation is still under development. An updated version will soon be available.


Register func as a transformation of the current module.

transformation is meant to be used as a decorator function to register a transformation within the current module. The registered func needs to be a callable which either accepts a single argument of type Messages or two arguments of type TransCtx and Messages respectively. The return type is fixed, and it should be of the form: Record(query=str, parameters=mgp.Nullable[mgp.Map]). Multiple records can be produced by returning an iterable of them. Registering generator functions is currently not supported.


import mgp

def transformation(context: mgp.TransCtx,
messages: mgp.Messages
) -> mgp.Record(query=str, parameters=mgp.Nullable[mgp.Map]):
result_queries = []

for i in range(messages.total_messages()):
message = messages.message_at(i)
payload_as_str = message.payload().decode("utf-8")
query=f"CREATE (n:MESSAGE {{timestamp: '{message.timestamp()}', payload: '{payload_as_str}', topic: '{message.topic_name()}'}})",

return result_queries

This transformation extracts the interesting members of each mgp.Message and stores them in query Record, which wraps a CREATE clause with all the interesting members (timestamp, payload, etc.) and an empty parameter list.

Any errors can be reported by raising an Exception.

class mgp.Message(message)​

Bases: object

Represents a single message. You should not globally store a Message.


Returns true if the underlying mgp.message object is valid and can be accessed.


Returns the payload of the message. Raises an InvalidMessageError if is_valid() is false.


Returns the topic name of the underlying mgp.message. Raises an InvalidMessageError if is_valid() is false.


Returns the key of the underlying mgp.message as bytes. Raises an InvalidMessageError if is_valid() is false.


Returns the timestamp of the underlying mgp.message. Raises an InvalidMessageError if is_valid() is false.

class mgp.Messages(messages)​

Bases: object

Represents a list of messages passed to a transformation. You should not globally store messages.


Returns true if the underlying mgp.messages object is valid and can be accessed.


Returns the number of mgp.messages contained. Raises InvalidMessagesError if is_valid() is false.


Returns the underlying mgp.message at index id. Raises InvalidMessagesError if is_valid() is false.

class mgp.TransCtx(graph)​

Bases: object

Context of a transformation being executed.

Access to a TransCtx is only valid during a single execution of a transformation. You should not globally store a TransCtx.


Raise InvalidContextError if context is invalid.


Returns true if the context is valid and can be accessed.